What’s Your Origin Story?

What’s an Origin Story? Well, an origin story is basically your story! It’s what got you geeking out in the first place about whatever it is that you’re doing in your career. Russell Brunson also calls this The Epiphany Bridge Script.So what I would like you to think about in this episode is “What is YOUR epiphany bridge script? What is your story? What is your origin story? What started you geeking out about what you’re doing?”

How to Understand and Handle Stress

Life can get overwhelming both at work and in the household, whether it be how you manage your kids or how you hurdle over obstacles in your business. A lot of us know very well what stress is, and we can all agree that it’s not something we want in our lives on a regular basis- if not at all. But what we might not understand is how stress works, and how we can handle it.

What kind of Mindset should you have?

If you think you’re taking all of the action you need to take and STILL feel like you aren’t making much progress, then maybe it’s time to reassess yourself a little bit. Maybe it’s how you THINK. Maybe it’s all about the MINDSET that you have. What kind of mindset do you have? What TYPES of mindsets are there, anyway?

Are You Mentally Tough? – Developing Mental Toughness Through Physical Fitness (w/ Jackson Yee)

On this episode, I sat down with author and fitness trainer Jackson Yee to talk about Mental Toughness and how becoming mentally tough can come hand-in-hand with physical fitness.

No one likes pain, and a lot of people avoid anything that would cause them to experience even the slightest bit of suffering. If you feel like all of the suffering you’ve gone through was just an unfortunate series of events, this talk could help open your eyes a bit and even change the way you understand pain. Stay tuned!

Become Physically and Mentally Fit, before you hit 40! (w/ Dr. Anthony Balduzzi)

On this episode, I brought Dr. Anthony Balduzzi into the show to talk about the many ways to maintain a healthy entrepreneurial lifestyle and how to achieve peak fitness before hitting your 40s – 50s. Today’s talk covers LOADS of health advice, and also debunks a lot of popular health “myths” that most of you might still even believe in! Check this episode out to find out what they are…

How to Shift Your Mindset for Success! – Transformative Mindset (w/ Emmet Naughton)

On this video, I talk to motivational speaker and Positive Progression founder Emmet Naughton to talk about the importance of having a Transformative Mindset. Tune in as Emmet shares his personal experiences as a speaker, and how he moved to London from a small town in Ireland. He learned that people need to become aware of the negative thoughts that cross their minds, and rewrite them to replace them with a more positive syntax.

Develop Learning Habits – BECOME A LEARNING BEAST! (w/ Tom Pullen)

On this episode, I invited Innovinco CEO Tom Pullen to talk about the many ways we can develop learning habits and how we can turn ourselves into LEARNING BEASTS! Tune in as he mentions his 3 key tips to grow as a learner, and talk about what exactly 3D learning is. With loads of other topics to cover, this episode also has a LOT of books mentioned, and these books could definitely help you out on your journey as both a learner and an entrepreneur.

Breaking Out of Your Old Self! (w/ Mike Forrester)

On this episode, I sat down with Men’s Transformation Coach and entrepreneur Mike Forrester to talk about “afformations,” and how using them can help you break out of your old habits to improve your own life. Mike did the exact same thing, and he’s happy to say that it’s helped him through his toughest times. Tune in as we delve further into key values that could help you grow out of your old self!

Become The Bruce Lee of Your Life! (w/ Chris Ducker)

It’s a new chapter for The Commit First Podcast, and to pop off the 101st episode, I invited entrepreneur, business coach, author and father Chris Ducker to talk about his journey as an aspiring dad-entrepreneur. He’ll also talk about his various struggles earlier in the decade, and all of the important key values he picked up along the way. From starting his VA company based in the Philippines in 2004, to overcoming an extreme burnout that left him dehydrated, depressed, and malnourished to the point of hospitalisation, Chris smashed through these obstacles like a true warrior.

Episode 100 – A MAJOR UPDATE!

These last 3 years have been one wild ride for the show, and after going through many shifts and changes, it has finally reached its 100th episode! A lot has happened, but that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing left of what’s to come. This episode will be a little different, featuring a quick throwback on what I personally went through as an aspiring dad entrepreneur, and how I experienced the most surreal turns of events in my journey.

Finally, I’ll be making a big announcement at the end of this episode. The tides are shifting, and it’s time for things to take a huge turn. Stay tuned!

Here is a sneak peek snippet from the many topics I’ll be covering on this episode!