10 Bad Habits to Avoid

Bad habits are normal, and definitely do NOT define a person’s character. However, there are certain types of bad habits that could put us or others around us in danger. Some habits could also be the main cause of negative thoughts or emotions clouding our minds. So, what are these bad habits? And do you think you have one or more of them?
10 Must-Read Books for Motivation

When we take action on our goals, it doesn’t always mean that we’ll embark on a new journey and discover new exciting paths to explore. Sometimes days- or even weeks- could drag on, and things can start to feel a little repetitive. I think it’s that sense of “boring repetition” that starts to eat away at our morale, making us feel less and less inspired to keep working towards our goals.
7 Ways a Life Coach Can Help You

The term “Life Coach” might not come across as something new to you, and you’re probably fairly familiar with what a life coach does. HOWEVER, knowing what a life coach does is a completely different story from knowing HOW they can help YOU. Do life coaches sort your life out for you? No, but they do help out in your decision-making process.
10 Tips to Get Rid of Negative Thoughts

It doesn’t matter which chapter of your life you’re in right now. Regardless of how far you’ve come, sometimes you face challenges that make you tell yourself all sorts of things that contribute to dragging your own morale down. Sometimes stress gets the best of us, and we end up snowballing down a steep motivation slope. When all of the causes of stress start to pile up one on top of the other, you start to get disoriented; lost in a storm of challenges you’re not sure if you can overcome.
A Message of Hope – For Entrepreneurs!

As the Coronavirus (Covid-19) changed the way we go about our lives nowadays – I want to bring this message of hope – and engage you in some positive thinking.
Introducing: The Island Theory

On this episode I’ll be talking about the island theory, and how we can use this theory to help motivate us to do more than just cling onto comfort zones.
Will you let the current take you wherever it goes, or will you start rowing to take control of your voyage?
5 Life-Changing Truths to Keep in Mind!

All of our actions revolve around emotions that drive us to move through life. It’s not uncommon for us to seek happiness and fulfillment. We all want to charge ourselves with positive energy!
Each and every one of us has different approaches in how we acquire those emotions. Some people find happiness through the act of giving and making others happy, while others feel fulfilled by leading a successful life that they have full control of.
Affirmations – Self Kindness and Reassurance

We all have someone close to us, and sometimes, they doubt themselves. At this point, we reassure them that all of the negative things they tell themselves aren’t true. Because we know what they’re truly capable of at their best. They just needed to be reminded of their achievements.
What about you, do YOU constantly remind and reassure yourself of everything great that you can do? Are you as kind to yourself as you are to others?
How to Understand and Handle Stress

Life can get overwhelming both at work and in the household, whether it be how you manage your kids or how you hurdle over obstacles in your business. A lot of us know very well what stress is, and we can all agree that it’s not something we want in our lives on a regular basis- if not at all. But what we might not understand is how stress works, and how we can handle it.
What kind of Mindset should you have?

If you think you’re taking all of the action you need to take and STILL feel like you aren’t making much progress, then maybe it’s time to reassess yourself a little bit. Maybe it’s how you THINK. Maybe it’s all about the MINDSET that you have. What kind of mindset do you have? What TYPES of mindsets are there, anyway?