7 Ways a Life Coach Can Help You
The term “Life Coach” might not come across as something new to you, and you’re probably fairly familiar with what a life coach does. HOWEVER, knowing what a life coach does is a completely different story from knowing HOW they can help YOU. Do life coaches sort your life out for you? No, but they do help out in your decision-making process.
People often look for a life coach when they need help working on solving problems and figuring out the steps that lead to their goals. It’s very important to note that these coaches do NOT fix your life for you, they simply guide you to make the right decisions to fix it on your own!
Having a life coach is like finding your dynamic duo in building YOU. As long as you work side-by-side with your coach, here are 7 ways your teamwork can help improve your life!
1. They can help you set goals and plan out how to take action
Do you remember how long it took you to plan out things on your own? It involves so much brain power and thinking energy that sometimes it ends up draining you. Thinking about how you could even accomplish short-term goals is hard enough!
Life coaches could easily help you leap over this hurdle by asking open and reflective questions! Since a life coach is trained to help you sort yourself out, they know EXACTLY what to ask you, and how to assess your situation from a more experienced and informed perspective. They’ll also help you come up with an action plan, where each step of the way is realistically achievable to lead towards the end result that you want.
2. They’re there to stop you from derailing and to keep you on track
Let’s face it, there’s always something on our routine that’s a lot harder to maintain than the rest of our agenda. We don’t always have full control over ourselves, and that’s naturally something we’re all trying to improve. With a Life Coach, you’ll start to focus more on the things you normally find yourself straying away from.
It’s very important that you maintain the accountability of your plan, since a lot of your progress will depend on how well you’re following through with the plans you made with your coach. So long as you cooperate with your coach and pull yourself away from distractions when they call you out, you’ll find yourself back on track in no time.
3. They’ll help you figure out your biggest WHATs, WHYs and HOWs in life
Not everyone knows what it is that they want in life exactly, much less why they do and what they have to do to get from point A to point B. When figuring out these thoughts, you need to be completely aware of who you are and how you truly want to live your life. If the feeling of floating around aimlessly is something familiar to you, then getting a life coach could help bring you clarity.
With a Life Coach, you’ll have a helping hand in knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are, what skills you might possess, and what hidden talents might be buried in your personality. It’s so much easier to discover what brings you a vivid sense of purpose with a helping hand.
4. They have the knowledge to help you prepare solutions for specific challenges
You might have problems that you haven’t been able to resolve in a really long time, and you’re starting to run out of ideas. Whenever you feel as if you’re stuck at a dead end, your coach can help you find answers to questions you initially couldn’t handle on your own. They help you look into new avenues and find ways that you haven’t thought of trying yet.
Two minds are always better than one, and a coach will help you turn yourself into a powerhouse for productive problem solving. Whether it’s an issue with friends, colleagues, or maybe something you can’t wrap your mind around at work, they can help you look for new angles that you had yet to cover.
5. They’ll keep you self-aware and help you assess yourself
Throughout our lives, we’ve all latched onto beliefs, values and habits that eventually built our core personalities. However, now matter how certain you are about yourself, there could be a trait or two in you that might be holding you back from stepping up one level higher.
With the help of your coach, you could re-assess yourself and find out what your limiting beliefs might be. Once you figure yourself out, you can strive towards changing these limiting beliefs and replacing them with habits that can help develop you further.
6. They can help you explore new methods and strategies to boost productivity
You definitely know what it feels like to have to sacrifice sleep over something you really want to get done within the day. We really have days when there really just isn’t enough time for everything we need to do, and that losing sleep night after night causes some pretty unwanted physical and mental distress.
A life coach is loaded with all sorts of productivity strategies and action plans that could potentially help you get all of those things done within the day. If one method doesn’t suit you, they’ll be able to help you come up with a new one until you finally find what allows you to be most productive!
7. They’ll help you find ways to appreciate the here and now
It’s definitely great to work towards a grand goal, but it can sometimes consume us and pull us into a spiraling state of discontentment. With all of our ambitions and dreams straight ahead of us, we tend to keep our eyes locked forward.
Your coach will constantly remind you to not only look at what’s in front of you, but to also look around! Take yourself out of the future for just a little while and enjoy the moment you’re in now. With a few mindfulness techniques, you’ll realize that there is beauty and happiness in where you currently stand. It’s good to work towards the future, but learn to love the here and now!
With all of that said, it’s important to note once more that Life Coaches aren’t supposed to fix your life for you. Coaches are only there to guide you and help you make decisions for YOURSELF! So it’s never a one-way street. As long as you work with them and take action on your own as well, you can definitely expect a MAJOR change in your life!
If you want to learn more about the benefits of having a life coach, I share posts about how they’ve helped me through my journey on my Instagram profile (@sagishrieber)
I also talk about it and many other useful motivational fuel on my YouTube channel! If you’re interested, you can check it out here.
Cheers to being the CEO of your life!