How to Manifest your Goals with The Law of Attraction (w/ Joni Rae)

On this week’s episode, I am grateful to finally have Joni Rae with us at the Commit First Podcast.
Joni Rae is the founder of The Mindset Group, a boutique leadership development firm that exists to align people and teams, they offer interactive and experiential seminars, coaching programs, and corporate workshops and consulting. Their team has helped hundreds of clients go from overwhelm and chaos to clarity and sustainability. She’s with us to explain and tell us more about the Law of Attraction and how Living in Alignment works.
Working with the law of attraction to manifest your dreams may sound straightforward, but it actually involves careful intention, action, and a degree of surrender. This principle suggests that empty space cannot truly exist, and always needs to be filled by something. As such, it’s important to make space for positive change in your life by clearing out negativity.
It tells us that there will always be things to be unhappy about if you look for them, but rather than dwelling on things that are going wrong, finding ways to make things better – is fundamental to shifting your reality into one that attracts what you desire.
That’s not to say you can’t acknowledge negativity or feel emotions related to it. Rather, it’s about doing what you can at the moment to improve any negative situation and letting the rest go. This follows living in alignment with your goals and taking the necessary steps to bring them to life.
Becoming Your Future Self! (w/ Jay Chase)

On this episode, I had an amazing interview with podcaster and speaker Jay Chase where we talked about how you can connect with your future self, as well as your higher power! We could find it pretty easy to reflect on who we are now and remember who we used to be, but not a lot of us can easily picture the version of ourselves 10 years later.
Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

We’ve talked about all sorts of bad habits we should avoid to further improve our lives. But what about the good ones? Luckily, Stephen Covey wrote a really awesome book known as the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”
The book’s definitely a fantastic read, and I suggest that you check it out! But if your day’s a little too busy to read several chapters’ worth of pages, then this snippet should help you out. If you want to replace those bad habits with really important ones, look no further than these 7 that Stephen pointed out.
10 Bad Habits to Avoid

Bad habits are normal, and definitely do NOT define a person’s character. However, there are certain types of bad habits that could put us or others around us in danger. Some habits could also be the main cause of negative thoughts or emotions clouding our minds. So, what are these bad habits? And do you think you have one or more of them?
5 Life-Changing Truths to Keep in Mind!

All of our actions revolve around emotions that drive us to move through life. It’s not uncommon for us to seek happiness and fulfillment. We all want to charge ourselves with positive energy!
Each and every one of us has different approaches in how we acquire those emotions. Some people find happiness through the act of giving and making others happy, while others feel fulfilled by leading a successful life that they have full control of.
Affirmations – Self Kindness and Reassurance

We all have someone close to us, and sometimes, they doubt themselves. At this point, we reassure them that all of the negative things they tell themselves aren’t true. Because we know what they’re truly capable of at their best. They just needed to be reminded of their achievements.
What about you, do YOU constantly remind and reassure yourself of everything great that you can do? Are you as kind to yourself as you are to others?
Invest in Yourself – Or Else (w/ Bob Gentle)

Today’s episode features our returning guest and business coach Bob Gentle as we talk about “Masterminds.” Forming your own Mastermind is one of the most helpful self-investments out there. What’s a Mastermind? A Mastermind group is a meeting between multiple peers with the objective of giving each other helpful advice. The goal is to give and receive your own advice or life lessons to each other in order to collectively benefit and grow. To form a mastermind group, you should find at least five or six of other fellow entrepreneurs who share similar ideals with you.