Navy Seal on Leadership & Action (w/ Sean Matson)

For this episode, I invited serial entrepreneur and former Navy SEAL Sean Matson to talk about how he was able to take his experiences out on the field and incorporate them into the world of business. We will also discuss the significance of action, and how it can cause large ripples of success in your life as opposed to succumbing to inaction. Every step counts, no matter how small.

How to Overcome Overwhelm (w/ Baiju Solanki)

For today’s episode, I invited Business Coach Baiju Solanki to discuss the various ways you can overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed by your business. We’ll also talk about how business is a game, and how knowing its rules can help you create the perfect game plan.

Building Tribes & Overcoming Obstacles to Become a Better You (w/ Mark Bowness – Business Coach & Founder of Million Dollar You)

This episode is about building communities online, and overcoming obstacles to become a better you. Most of you have heard of Calvin Wayman who was my first coach who I hired when I was in debt and on the verge of going bankrupt. But what you might not know is that I actually have 4 coaches/mentors at the moment. Each one in charge of a different aspect of my business. Our guest today is my coach for building THIS tribe of Mindful & Ruthless, and for building and launching my own coaching program for creative entrepreneurs. He is a coach and community master, and he’s on a mission to influence a BILLION lives.