Facebook Advertising for Solopreneurs: (A Masterclass by Azriel Ratz – Facebook Ads Expert)

If you ever wondered why and HOW to install a Facebook Pixel on your site and what you can do with it, THIS IS THE PERFECT episode for you. This started as a regular interview but quickly turned into a full-on Masterclass in which I shared my screen, and Azriel took over my mouse and started spilling super practical tips: Starting from the basics as to HOW to install and use a Facebook Pixel on your Wordpress site (and any other kind of site), and up to advanced features like custom events, FB Ad funnels, and building custom analytics dashboards for your ad funnels.

How to Tap into Mainstream Media as a Solopreneur (w/ Christina Nicholson — PR Expert)

Our guest today is an award-winning journalist & PR expert with more than a decade of experience in TV & Media. She’s been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, the Huffington Post, Time, Yahoo, CNN, News 12 in NY, and many other media outlets. In this interview, she and I talked about how to utilize mainstream media and PR as solopreneurs. This is definitely something I’ve been wanting to dig into lately so this interview comes at the perfect time for me.