Commit First w/ Sagi Shrieber (Feat. Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Jason Zook, Paul Jarvis, and more) 07: Your Mindset & Neural Networks Are the Key to Your Success (w/ Dr. Shannon Irvine — High-achievement Coach & Neural-Psychology Expert)

Shannon Irvine is a high achievement coach, entrepreneur, and Ph.D. in Neuro-Psychology.
She helps entrepreneurs grow & scale their mindset in order to get to that next level in their business.
Worth mentioning she is also is a fellow podcaster, and int
Your Mindset & Neural Networks Are the Key to Your Success (w/ Dr. Shannon Irvine — High-achievement Coach & Neural-Psychology Expert)

Dr Shannon Irvine is an achievement mentor, entrepreneur and Phd in Neuro-Pyschology. She helps them grow & scale both their business & mindset while building a business they love. She also is a fellow podcaster, and interviews the most successful entreprenuers across multiple industries on the Epic Success Podcast!