Maximizing Spirituality, Parenting, and PRODUCTIVITY! (w/ Tevi Hirschhorn)

I had a blast talking to author, product leader, and father Tevi Hirschhorn on this episode. We talked about a lot of diverse topics throughout the interview, and it had a little bit of everything. From what prayer truly means and teaching kids how they can develop a growth mindset, to how people can balance their hyper-efficiency to avoid being unproductive as an end result.
Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

We’ve talked about all sorts of bad habits we should avoid to further improve our lives. But what about the good ones? Luckily, Stephen Covey wrote a really awesome book known as the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”
The book’s definitely a fantastic read, and I suggest that you check it out! But if your day’s a little too busy to read several chapters’ worth of pages, then this snippet should help you out. If you want to replace those bad habits with really important ones, look no further than these 7 that Stephen pointed out.
10 Tips to Get Rid of Negative Thoughts

It doesn’t matter which chapter of your life you’re in right now. Regardless of how far you’ve come, sometimes you face challenges that make you tell yourself all sorts of things that contribute to dragging your own morale down. Sometimes stress gets the best of us, and we end up snowballing down a steep motivation slope. When all of the causes of stress start to pile up one on top of the other, you start to get disoriented; lost in a storm of challenges you’re not sure if you can overcome.
The Falafel Method for Deep Work.

A quick mindfulness trick to boost your productivity at work. If you’re a designer, developer, marketer, entrepreneur or any kind of professional with complicated tech work that needs your full brain capacity, you’re probably struggling to find that deep work time. You’re constantly trying to get into a state of ‘flow’, where your brain can perform […]