Commit First w/ Sagi Shrieber (Feat. Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Jason Zook, Paul Jarvis, and more) 15: There’s a Lot of Money Out There, Now Get Your Hands On It (w/ Itay Adam — Serial Entrepreneur)

Itay Adam is a serial entrepreneur and is one of my mentors in business.
He has made millions, lost millions, he has been active on the dark side of the internet as well as the bright side.
He built startups – product companies – and pitched to investor
Building Communities with Love (w/ Jadah Sellner — Author, Coach & Entrepreneur)

Jadah Sellner is a published author, entrepreneur, mother, wife, keynote speaker, & business mentor. She was the co-founder of Simple Green Smoothies (Yes! You might have heard of this super successful company through Pat Flynn’s podcast, Oprah’s O Magazine, The Doctors TV show, or the Wall Street Journal). That is… until she ultimately chose to sell her shares in the company and start working on her personal brand full time.
Commit First w/ Sagi Shrieber (Feat. Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Jason Zook, Paul Jarvis, and more) 17: Building Communities with Love (w/ Jadah Sellner — Author, Coach & Entrepreneur)

Jadah Sellner is a published author, entrepreneur, mother, wife, keynote speaker, & business mentor.
She was the co-founder of Simple Green Smoothies (Yes! You might have heard of this super successful company through Pat Flynn’s podcast, Oprah’s O Magaz
There’s a Lot of Money Out There, Now Get Your Hands On It (w/ Itay Adam — Serial Entrepreneur)

Itay Adam is a serial entrepreneur and is one of my mentors in business. He has made millions, lost millions, he has been active on the dark side of the internet as well as the bright side. He built startups – product companies – and pitched to investors, and he was the one always telling me to raise my prices as a creative.