Commit First w/ Sagi Shrieber (Feat. Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Jason Zook, Paul Jarvis, and more) 21: Why culture and mindset beat strategy (w/ Coach and Author Naphtali Visser)
Naf Visser is an author, an entrepreneur & coach.
Naf is the CEO of Humans Working, an executive coaching firm that helps executives and teams build organizations that inspire innovation, productivity and loyalty.
He is also the author of “The Human Ope
Commit First w/ Sagi Shrieber (Feat. Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Jason Zook, Paul Jarvis, and more) 04: Connecting to Our Curiosity (w/ David Kadavy — Best selling author)
David Kadavy is a silicon valley designer turned Columbia based writer and best selling author.
He is also a creative entrepreneur & host of the Love Your Work podcast on creative productivity, self-publishing, and email marketing automation.
Commit First w/ Sagi Shrieber (Feat. Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Jason Zook, Paul Jarvis, and more) 02: The Importance of having a Vision (w/ Calvin Wayman — Best Selling Author, Coach and Entrepreneur )
Calvin Wayman is an extremely successful entrepreneur: A best selling author, a fellow podcaster, motivational speaker, but most of all – he’s my personal life & business coach! He grabbed me from my worst entrepreneurial moment and pulled me up and helpe
Connecting to Our Curiosity (w/ David Kadavy — Best selling author)
David Kadavy, author, creative entrepreneur & host of the Love Your Work podcast on creative productivity, self-publishing, and email marketing automation.
The Importance of having a Vision (w/ Calvin Wayman — Best Selling Author, Coach and Entrepreneur)
Calvin Wayman is an extremely successful entrepreneur: A best selling author, a podcaster (Curious with Calvin Wayman), speaks about creative entrepreneurship and social media across the globe, has a social media agency that he built from scratch. But most of all – he’s my personal life & business coach! He took me from my worst entrepreneurial moment and brought me to success!