How to Build an Impactful & Profitable Blog (w/ Pete McPherson of

Pete is an entrepreneur, blogger and podcaster that is all about helping other create successful & profitable blogs. He’s the founder of the blog and podcast DoYouEvenBlog and Blogger U. Pete quit his day-job in 2016 (the same year I did), leaving behind a $70K a year salary for launching his blog and podcast. Since then he’s been growing his empire, interviewing some of the most successful bloggers and online business owners in the world, launching an online education platform for bloggers (Blogger U), and of course – blogging.

Insights about Life & Business from Living the Digital Nomad Lifestyle (w/ Tomas Laurinavicius — Life Designed)

Tomas Laurinavicius is a designer turned blogger and digital nomad. Originally from Lithuania but working in London, he launched Despreneur, a magazine for designer- entrepreneurs, co-wrote a book on Mobile design and co-founded a stock photo marketplace. Noticing his business does not necessarily need him to be in any specific geographical location – he decided to become a digital nomad and to travel the world while working on his current projects.