Episode #9 - Veronica Amarante
Veronica Amarante is a Social Media Expert & Brand Strategist.
She helps other entrepreneurs and businesses create their Social Media Strategy.
This was a super practical, value-packed conversation that I had with the amazing Veronica Amarante ( The Make It Happen Department – Social Media and Branding).
I asked Veronica about Instagram and Facebook growth. We talked about IG Pods, Running Follow-Unfollow Bots, algorithms, strategizing and planning your brand’s content, and more.
If you want to build your audience on Instagram and Facebook – you should totally join us!
Enjoy! And don’t forget to subscribe to the show if you haven’t yet (on iTunes, Youtube, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app).
Find all shownotes and links from this talk on https://creativepreneurmagazine.com/podcast.
Links & Resources from the show
Find Veronica at:
- Veronica’s website – http://amarantecommunications.com
- Facebook Group – The Make It Happen Department – Social Media and Branding
Recommendations for books & apps:
- Planoly – (Instagram Tool)
Key Points from the Podcast
- Veronica shares her background story, started from the time she studied in fashion school, then ends up in music industry. Her experience in handling artist and working in a record company. She also shares how she discovers about social media and how she use it to work for other people. Started working in social media for health care and her work as director in marketing. She also shares her fear in opening her own business and how she handles her business right now. Veronica also talks about the strategies in social media and brand campaign and the possibility of merging strategies of social media campaign. [00:00:44]
- She explains about “you can’t be everywhere” in social media. The importance of focusing on one social media account and letting others know where are your focus right now. She also shares about clearing your goals and focusing on your target audience. She also shares about the deployment of your campaign in social media. [00:08:45]
- Veronica examples that content is like a “net” you use to you social media accounts and your goal is to bring them to your tribe or groups, if not, then to your email list. [00:13:07]
- She shares about how to increase followers in Instagram and the importance of good content, being consistent and resilient in your social media campaign. [00:15:20]
- Veronica talks about “hashtags” and how you can use it positively in your Instagram account. She also give insights about “like for like” and “follow for follow”. She explains the importance of connecting to your community in social media, check the people you follow and who’s their audience.[00:20:00]
- She also talks about Instagram banning and bots. Veronica also shares about her focus on sharing content and not the growth of her Instagram. She also shares about using bots in a good way and methods in using Instagram. She also give insights about helping one another in Instagram groups and shadowbanning. [00:24:07]
- Veronica talks about Instagram algorithm. [00:34:45]
- She also talks about using Facebook page to bring people to your group and the strategy of using Facebook Live. [00:36:12]
- She also added the importance of testing your content and campaign to know what works and not and also about how social media algorithm works. [00:39:27]
- Veronica answers some questions: talking about Facebook page as an “office” while a Facebook group as a “bar”, how to manage or spend your time and energy properly, creating different content in a different category, knowing what to do next through engagements or what your audience want, talks about results, transformations and delivery or providing the need of content, she also talks about showing up, the proper topics wherever social media you are in and how to test to know. [00:40:18]
- Veronica added the importance of being yourself and being authentic of what you are doing to make you stand out from the rest. She also shares about the importance and effects of sharing your stories to your community and groups. [00:50:24]
- She shares about using your creativity in design for your social media and focusing on creating strategy for advertising, not just on organic rich. [00:58:01]
- She also shares about her future plans, strategies and how she is focus on her business right now. [01:26:25]
- Where can we find her. [01:15:32]