The Power of Having a Vision (w/ Gloria & Horiany)

On this episode, I invited entrepreneurs Gloria & Horiany to talk about the struggles they went through in Venezuela, fighting tooth and nail against all kinds of challenges. They explain how their success was worth all of the lightless nights they worked through without a single flicker of electricity. As long as they maintained the vision in their minds, they were dedicated to seeing their business’s growth through.
The undeniable power of having a vision in place (w/ Horiany Contreras Guillermo and Gloria Mousalli – Commit First Accelerator Members)

Not a lot of people can make me tear up over a video call, but my guests today sure did. Today, I have two extremely amazing creativepreneurs – Horiany Contreras Guillermo and Gloria Mousalli, who have an amazing story to tell. A story of overcoming extreme difficulties, of coming from having nothing to launching a successful business.