Commit First w/ Sagi Shrieber (Feat. Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Jason Zook, Paul Jarvis, and more) 63: Positive Thinking in Coronavirus Time: How to show up for YOURSELF, your LOVED ONES and COMMUNITY

Hey everyone, as the Coronavirus (Covid-19) changed the way we go about our lives nowadays – I think it’s more important than ever to engage in some positive thinking, and if there’s one question I’m asking myself it’s: “HOW AM I SHOWING UP?”
Commit First w/ Sagi Shrieber (Feat. Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Jason Zook, Paul Jarvis, and more) 62: Master this one method – and you’ll boost your career and sales as a creative consultant …

In one word – what is YOUR one tip for closing more sales as a creative consultant?
Commit First w/ Sagi Shrieber (Feat. Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Jason Zook, Paul Jarvis, and more) 61: Parenting Tips – I tried this with my kids and maybe you should too …

I’m teaching all the members of my online courses and communities.
I’m educating and mentoring about specific stuff – and I do guide a lot of people for free one on one – but…
Commit First w/ Sagi Shrieber (Feat. Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Jason Zook, Paul Jarvis, and more) 60: Calvin Wayman and I have been working on something for you…

Hey everybody! So today I have Calvin Wayman here on the show to discuss something that we’ve been preparing for you!
Commit First w/ Sagi Shrieber (Feat. Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Jason Zook, Paul Jarvis, and more) 59: How to Take Action on What You Want (w/ Scott Voelker, author of “The Take Action Effect”)

Today I brought on Scott Voelker (for the second time) on the show! Scott came on the show first on episode 16, and told his incredible story coming up as an entrepreneur to making multiple 7 figures.
Commit First w/ Sagi Shrieber (Feat. Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Jason Zook, Paul Jarvis, and more) 58: How to Find the Perfect Executive Assistant (w/ Jess Lindgren, Pat Flynn’s Executive Assistant)

Hey everybody! Today on the show I brought on Jess Lindgren – who’s Pat Flynn’s Executive Assistant! Jess and I talked about a topic that I’m exploring at this phase of my business and it’s finding the perfect VA or executive Assistant.
Commit First w/ Sagi Shrieber (Feat. Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Jason Zook, Paul Jarvis, and more) 57: How to Stand Out and Find Your Own Voice (w/ Jason Zook – author of the new book “Own Your Weird”)

Hey everyone! Today on the show I brought on – for the second time – Jason Zook! Jason is one of my mentors and a super successful entrepreneur who I’ve been following for years. One thing I can say about Jason that I can’t say for most influencers that I
Commit First w/ Sagi Shrieber (Feat. Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Jason Zook, Paul Jarvis, and more) 56: SEO and Discoverability (w/ Brendan Hufford)

Hey everybody what’s up? Today on the show I have Brendan Hufford. Brendan is an online business owner and an SEO specialist, meaning he’s working a full time job while running his online business. He’s also a husband and father, and has other small thing
Commit First w/ Sagi Shrieber (Feat. Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Jason Zook, Paul Jarvis, and more) 55: Tips for Outsourcing and Hiring a Virtual Team (w/ David Young, Fellow SPI Accelerator Member and Founder of DroneLaunchAcademy)

Hey everybody, today on the show I brought on my friend and fellow member of SPI Accelerator – David Young. David is the founder of DroneLaunchAcademy and is now selling online trainings and physical products, with revenue on the high end of 6 figures. Bu
Commit First w/ Sagi Shrieber (Feat. Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Jason Zook, Paul Jarvis, and more) 54: 3 Top Performing Entrepreneurs Discuss Money and Life (w/ Calvin Wayman and Dustin Heiner)

Content creation, value giving, sales, and money. Today’s show is an open & honest conversation I recorded face to face in San Diego with two other top-performing (multiple 6 figure) entrepreneurs – Calvin Wayman and Dustin Heiner.