Yes! Save Me a Seat!

A Masterclass by Calvin Wayman & Sagi Shrieber

6 Months to 6 Figures

How two newbie entrepreneurs created a
online business, and how you can do it too.​

Nov 1st, 10am PT / 1pm EST / 6pm UK / 8pm TLV

Yes! Save My Seat In This Webinar!

Learn how Sagi Shrieber, an Israeli entrepreneur & designer managed to take his business from nothing to 6 figures in less than a year.
The system worked for Sagi’s mentors, it worked for him, and it’s going to work for YOU!

This live training will give you the blueprint you can follow to grow your own business to level you never thought possible in less than a year: Crushing multiple business & life goals, building your personal brand & audience, and introducing multiple income streams into your life in 2019 without losing control, focus, or burning out.​

3 Secrets we’ll cover in this training:

Your Vision

A Vision

What makes a great vision and how you can build a vision for yourself!

Your Brand

A Brand

What are the 4 keys that make any brand a success? And how can you create such a brand?

Business Plan

How to connect the Vision and Brand to your cashflow and business plan

I’m totally in! Save My Seat!

Can we see a “Hosted by” area please?

Sure, and… Hi!

I’m Sagi

I’m a creative entrepreneur, like you!

I worked as a UX designer most of my career, but always blogged on the side, and today it’s what I do full time. 

Today I’m going to help you plan your own dream and get started with your online brand. A brand that will allow you to make your dent in the universe, or at least in hundred of thousands of lives, boost your income level and therefore be able to design a better lifestyle for yourself, bring in crazy opportunities you never dreamt possible, and live a life of impact.

See you in the workshop!

Untitled Document

“If You Don’t Build Your Own Dream, Someone Else Will Hire You To Build Theirs”

Days Hours Minutes Seconds

Save My Seat! I’m going to build my OWN dream!

Sagi is an inspiration. His superpowers & mad skill as a conversion-oriented designer in combination with his skills of educating and motivating others by giving value and truly caring about others make him one of the top entrepreneurs you’d want to follow & work with.

Pat Flynn